Monday, October 17, 2011

Decentralised Cooperation Programme – Phase II

The Decentralised Cooperation Programme (DCP) is a European Union funded intervention, implemented through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. Its overall objective is poverty alleviation through the capacity-building of Non State Actors (NSAs) in the Republic of Mauritius in synergy with other poverty alleviation programmes. The first phase of the programme lasted from March 2006 to March 2010 and has seen the participation of 240 NSAs and Local Authorities and has allowed the implementation of 340 community-based projects

The Financing Agreement for the the second phase of DCP under the 10th EDF has been signed on 6 May 2011. The programme is scheduled to be implemented from June 2011 to June 2014.  The total budget of 5.5 million euros has been provided for this programme. Under this second phase, the programme will attempt to reinforce the capacities of NSAs aiming at improving their strategic planning, implementation and monitoring of poverty alleviation projects. It will also foster a more coherent and informed approach to poverty issues among decision makers and NSAs in order to  improve the policy dialogue between state and non state actors. And last but not least, it will be aiming at enhancing the participation of NSAs in poverty reduction activities related to  on-going empowerment and poverty alleviation programme and through effective complementary support.

The programme will be implemented through a series of thematic Calls for Proposals eventually leading to the award of grants to NSAs such as local associations, community-based organisations, NGOs, cooperatives and federations among others.